Flooring A Garage Floor.



When I first bought my house one of the first things that I did was to clean out the garage and then paint the floor with industrial floor paint.
This looked good for a time and was nice and clean but now looks a little worse for wear.

I want a more permanent solution for
carpet redding ca,
but don't want to spend a fortune on it.

Maybe some sort of lino???
I have a couple of bikes in there and work on them a fair bit so need something that I can keep clean and will be reasonably hard wearing.

Does anyone on the IOM specialize in this sort of thing?
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Well-Known Member
Well.... I had a length of carpet that I put down when we moved in and it looks great, saves the knees a fair bit too when checking the oil sight glass or tyre pressures!

Not the perfect solution, but then it would likely have been slung out otherwise!
The thread that @Stephen! refers to above resulted in myself using the resin coat system. It was not cheap, but am well pleased with the result. You really need to take your time and remove all traces of any current coatings and follow the instructions, but it is rock hard. It takes about a week to dry properly, so you are best to avoid using it in anger for a while after it has been completed. Also, you only have a limited time to apply it before it starts curing. Invest in the proper equipment to do it such as extension poles and good masking tape and you will be fine. Single Garage Floor Paint Bundle | Small Garage Kits | Resincoat. I also used a wire wheel on an angle grinder to prep the concrete ready for the paint, then applied the primer and 2 top coats with anti slip additive.