Looking for a Rally Ready Bike under $10K? You Found It! K1600GTL

The bike will be available for sale after the Heart of Texas 2024, if you are looking for a rally-ready bike, you fount it,

2014 K1600 GTL Exclusive
Approximately 92000 miles
Just had it serviced at Austin BMW and got new tires
Garmin exchanged the old GPS that had the phantom finger syndrome with a new Navi VI and new maps
Aux Tank
Touring windshield
bag liner
original BMW trunk
GS911 with all cables
Several Ram mounts for all farkles
Tank bag
highway pegs
crash bars
Russell seat for rider with backrest and passenger

the extra list goes on and on...

The bike will be available in central TX until the end of May, then we relocate to East TN,

Open for negotiation, why don't we start at $9.750.00?

The best contact is by phone or text at 806-231-6117 or email ricmachado.br @ gmail.com

I need to resize pictures and I can upload them tonight
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Here is the deal; I had to change jobs which required me to relocate from Texas to Tennessee. If you have ever relocated you know that unexpected expenses will always arrive. If possible, I would like to sell the bike on or before May 16, which is the day we leave. If it costs me 500-700 to take the bike (we have another two vehicles), I may just as well give this as a discount for the new buyer. so for the next two weeks, the price has dropped to $8250.00, after I am in TN, the price will go back.

HURRY and get yourself a great bike at an excellent price.