

Well-Known Member
Each have their merits, RoSPA I believe retest every three years and the IAM, of which I am a member and ex Senior Observer, has been changing over the last ten years, introducing more industry acceptable standards with "recognised" qualifications etc....
These include a "First" and a "Masters" programme.... I am not involved anymore so would suggest looking at both and maybe asking if they do an assessment ride to let you know where they think you are at.... can be quite helpful... and eye opening.

I would always encourage anyone, regardless of how long they have been riding, to invest in personal advanced rider training, possibly the best accessory spend you could make.

Of course once having completed the course and hopefully qualified as an "Advanced RIder" many riders fail to continue to apply what they have learned, usually resulting in becoming a statistic.....
That and it matters not how many pieces of paper you have or how qualified you may become, someday, somewhere, some idiot will still get you and that idiot may even be oneself.


The Joker
IBA Member
I messaged RoSPA a week ago no reply so i have contacted my local IAM for an assessment,
also looked at Rapid training as i have been with them twice their prices have got a bit tasty:eek:
refresher training is mostly a money maker scam or a legal requirement. before any training a proper TNA (training needs analysis) should occur to identify any areas where knowledge or skills is lacking. if no lack of knowledge , no incidents or you are not operating new eqiupment then the issue is not training and could well be behavoural or complacent attiudes. Once trained and it doesnt matter if its the space shuttle or a screwdriver all is required is practice until the individual reaches the dissy hieght of SME (subject matter expert).
having personally delivered vast amounts of refresher training to guys that really saw no benefit from it i am sceptical of the industry standard to keep training the same old time and time again. we were gradually moving away from constant refresher training and doing competency checks and focussing on cultural change throughout the workforce.
No amount of training can account for other idiots or just plain old experience, an experience person is much more likely to select the best solution to any problem or incident or have taken measures to ensure that that just doesnt occur.
I know this goes against the mantra from the training companies etc but then i'm not trying to make money from this.

the more you practice the luckier you get