Warning when using the facilities / filling up on a Certified Ride.


Brit Butt Tour Admin. Retired.
20th September was the Autumn Equinox, I had planned to do a SS1000 on that date then do SS1000 on the other 3 Equinox.

It was a dream that I didn't achieve courtesy of an other road user at a service station.
I am at that age that I need to use toilets a bit more frequent then my motorcycle needs petrol.
So I've stopped to use the facilities, returning to my bike someone opens their car door very quickly which hits me causing me to fall, unfortunately causing me to land on the kerb.
I picked myself up and was in a lot of pain struggling to put weight on it.( I had dislocated my hip). In typical IBAUK fashion I carried on my ride not knowing the extent of my injury. At my first fuel stop (Dunfermline) when I couldn't stand of walk. Ride over rode home.
The funny thing is I covered 480 miles, 360 of them with the injury

The person who knocked me over was teenager who ran off, the driver I don't think even saw it.

Back to the drawing board for the Equinox Rides.

Be careful even when parked up your in danger.