Adding a taildragger to my GL1800 - Learning as I go

Very nice. Looks great and I hope it works well as long as you have it. I see that the aux tank cap is different from the first pic in the raw to the final painted versions. Is the black fuel cap internally tethered?

No, but I'd like to find a solution to that end. It's a locking Stant (brand) cap, the original one was only a quarter-turn cap.

As long as I hear a double *click* on the cap, I know that it's sealed properly and it can't be spun off without force. But I'd like to have a tether on it so that I don't keep knocking it on the ground.


Or roll your own from the hardware store bins like this one. or LINK2
I was never a big fan of drilling a fuel tap into the Gold Wing's sending unit. I know it's been done many times, and if done correctly the chance of leakage is minimal. But since the sending unit is below the max level of the tank to begin with, I didn't want to run the risk of creating a problem.

I had spoken with @Auburn many times about this project (he's probably sick of discussing it by now... ;) ), and we had the idea to mount an NPT fitting into the top of the tank, way up at the front, and have the fuel spray in like a shower head. After I very bravely let Bryan be my test Guinea Pig, he reported that experiment worked just fine on his bike. Later, when he would sell that bike to buy his current one, I very bravely purchased his modified tank, moved the fitting a couple inches forward (owing to differences in hardware placement between different model years of Gold WIng), and transferred the pump and sending unit over from my tank.

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Shawn- what parts did you use on the stock gas tank? How did you seal the fitting into the plastic? Thank you
Before anyone asks, I chose a taildragger setup because I use the Wing for work as well as recreation. I have a company that provides motorcycle escorts for triathlons and other events, so I want to enjoy the benefits of the longer range while still being able to carry race officials or other passengers. Plus, having the pillion seat unobstructed gives me more room for baggage on solo trips.

I spent some time researching what sorts of taildragger setups people had done before me. Most of what I saw was the traditional setup like in the picture above, but I did find one photo of Lisa Landry's very sleek, almost OEM-looking setup that I believe was done in conjunction with Firecreek Accessories (?). Super tidy and way cool, but it wouldn't be the same design with my across-the-back light bar on the '12-'17 Wing (as opposed to Lisa's pre-2010 model), I don't have those kinds of fabrication skills, and I wasn't interested in spending that kind of money. So I decided to stick with a basic round aluminum tank.

The first order of business was to get dimensions. And so, utilizing the latest in CAD technology (Cardboard Aided Design), I fashioned a dummy tank, removed the rear fender, and tested for diameter and length.

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I always envied the chase bikes in the Tour De France! Bet it’s neat but I also bet you have to brief the rookie pax!!!
Took another trial run at putting fuel in the aux tank. Siphoned about 2 gallons out of the main tank and put in in back. Left it sitting there for several minutes, no leaks or dampness detected.

It took about 4 minutes to pump roughly 2 gallons of gas. Seems acceptable to me. Also, having the fuel feed into the main tank from the top makes it very easy to conform visually that fuel is being pumped in - you can see the splashing around inside the tank when the fuel goes it.

I think I'm going to call this project "Finished". :)

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Clean and sleek!!!! Reminds me of a canteen off the old westerns!!!!!