Awaiting word on Qualified Ride


New Member
I was wondering is a 120 a standard wait process to see if you met the qualifications on a challenge. I know the staff may be pretty busy. Or if you don't meet qualifications, would you be notified? I mailed off package Sept 3rd, 2024
That is average. Mine took way longer. The certification team is comprised of volunteers and there are a bunch of variables. What is happening in their lives, how many rides were submitted at the time, what other events are being planned, are they too doing rides are just a few. The weather in both the northern and southern hemispheres have good riding weather in both the spring and fall so it is logical that the volume of applications increases. If you did everything as outlined in the rules for what ever ride you completed, then the certification will be easy for the certification team. If not, they will contact you. In my experience, each ride application is double check for accuracy before it is finalized, posted, and mailed. Be patient and welcome.
That is average. Mine took way longer. The certification team is comprised of volunteers and there are a bunch of variables. What is happening in their lives, how many rides were submitted at the time, what other events are being planned, are they too doing rides are just a few. The weather in both the northern and southern hemispheres have good riding weather in both the spring and fall so it is logical that the volume of applications increases. If you did everything as outlined in the rules for what ever ride you completed, then the certification will be easy for the certification team. If not, they will contact you. In my experience, each ride application is double check for accuracy before it is finalized, posted, and mailed. Be patient and welcome.
Thank you for your reply. I have 6 challenges completed, 1st time I've experienced this long of wait. No doubt, I will continue to be patient.
I've only submitted my first ride via snail mail. I'm now a premier member and send in everything via email. We have a dashboard where we can follow it thru the process. I understand there is a different system for non-premier members to email their rides to, but I have no experiencing using it. I hope you don't have to wait much longer.
I used to have a sign on my inbox instructing everone to place urgent work on top. On my side of my inbox I had another sign letting everyone know that work from the bottom.
I completed a ride in May and still have not heard any thing. I’m Canadian so i don’t know if that takes longer than USA though
@ChrisW has a terrific post in another thread about this topic. It probably needs to be linked to many of these types of threads...

Not saying that's *the* definitive answer by any means, but it perhaps gives a bit of insight on what the other side of the "scoring table" (in this case, the verification team member) is like.