Things i have learnt


The Joker
IBA Member
Three absolutes in life
You are born, pay taxes, you die. Everything else is just is just a distraction between the first and last.
Cold potatoes aint hot.
Never believe anything you read in the press or what a politician tells you.
Being polite and having good manners gets you a better response from people.
Good grammar is important, i.e.
Eat, shit and die is very different to Eat shit and die……
Owning bikes damages your bank account:eek:
Riding bikes brings you pleasure, enables you to meet like minded folks
gather in groups drink beer and talk bollocks, (it has been said i am quite good at it.)
Reading ride reports on this and other forum's creates an itch you need to scratch.
Aint it amazing what you think about at this time of the day?o_O
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