A sign of insanity


The Joker
IBA Member
Two Irish hunters were out in the wilds of Canada to hunt moose. After two days roughing it they bagged 3 each and as they started loading the meat into the plane for the return flight back from the wilds the pilot tells them the plane can only take 3 moose.
The two Irish hunters objected strongly, stating loudly, "last year we shot 6 moose and the pilot let us put all of them in the hold and he had the same type of plane as you."
Reluctantly, the pilot gave in and all 6 moose were loaded onto the plane. Unfortunately, even on full throttle, the plane couldn't handle the payload and crashed into the trees a minute or so after take-off.
Climbing out of the wreckage of the plane, Micky asked Pat, "have you any idea where we are?"
Mick replied, "I think we are pretty close to where we crashed last year."