food and travel

A few years back i had a bit of a health issue. to continue as i did was not an option so a change in my diet had to take place, gone are cheese, pies, chocolate fries biscuits etc, in fact anything with high sugar or fat content. one of the things i discovered whilst making the change is that processed food is packed with something called trans fats that the body just cant process. not very good for me at all.

these were the foods i really liked and to go cold turkey on them seemed rather cruel so i made rules to help me cope and to cut down the ammount.
Cheese only at christmass
and home made biscuit cake or pies only

90% of the time i am pretty good and stick mostly to the diet, that is until i'm on the road choices are limited in most roadside cafes.

to minimise my visits to said cafes I take my own food on long rides were possible fresh fruit nuts sandwiches on brown bread etc. this really works for me the only area i have of cocern is the breakfast cereal bars. reading the side of the packet on this supposedly heathy snack has been worry me. no they aint that healthy and they keep forever which means trans fats. so i am attempting to make my own the first batch has gone ok and were simple and cheap to make had them for 5 days now and they have not gone off. I am still working on the exact recipe which i will share when i get it sort of right but the base is porrigde oats with added bits the first batch had cherries in, adding bits to suit an idividual taste seems simple just getting the balance right is all.
About half way through I started thinking - "needs to make homemade breakfast bar" and sure enough that is where you went! Look forward to the recipe. Always good to have an option that keeps me away from the processed foods.
version 2 of this is now in the cupboard, not quite right for sharing the recipe yet but in a experimentl stage. slightly overcooked this batch but good flavour and texture. just through in what was handy and cut down on the amount of sugar my feeling is still to much sugar as fruit is adding the sweetness. Main ingredients porridge oats buttter sugar golden syrup a mix of fruit or seeds to taste may try some nuts next time..
think i can safely say wont buy shop bought again. these are pretty simple
as promised i've sort of got this right for me and tested on a ride out. they have kept for a week now dont break up in the tank bag and taste better than shop bought . plus their relativly cheap and easy to make big advantage for me.

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reciepe :-
250 gm porridge oats
135 gm butter
100 gm light brown sugar
135 gm golden syrup
good hand full of desiccated coconut
good handfull of mixed dried fruit

the last two are for flavour and can be changed to suit persoanl tastes

gently melt the golden syrup and butter in a pan add sugar once meltied and continue to warm to disslolve the sugar.

once this is achieved bung the porridge oats in stirring with a spoon add coconut and mixed fruit give it a good stir to combine, then place in a pre prepared greased baking tray 10 by 6 inches roughly i always put a piece of gease proof paper int he bottom it comes out better if you do. back of the spoon spreads it nicely
place in oven aroud gas mark 6 for aprx 20 min after 10 min remove tray score size of biscuits you want into mix turn tray and place back in oven continur to golden brown .
then remove from oven and tray place on cooling tray allow to cool. once cooled break along scored lines wrap in cling film . job done
porridge is one of those things that supposed to be good for you well maybe less harmful. least you'll know whats in these rather than the shop bought with their additives. Anyone trying them please experiment with quantities and type of flavourings to suit