Ride to Eat NR 2 2022 Manteigas, Parque Natural da Serra da Estrela, Portugal May 7

Michiel, please put Martin and Christine on the list.
Hotel booked through Booking.com
Martin could you pls consider cancelling booking and book room directly at emailaddress given and add the reference givenn in first heading?Otherwise we get a very messy list o check for hotel,Thanks!
Message to all members participating deadline for reservations is put at march 7...after that it is not automatic that we can guarantee rooms and /or food.....
Following MK's advice made réservation via their website all in best order you can count me in aub Michiel.
Don't know how to reserve, food my portugaise has its limits! Will find out later.
Hi Michiel, Please add me to the list of people attending, but I will not be staying at the hotel.
Please could you confirm what it would cost just to stay for the meal.
Cheers Steve.
Hi Michiel do you want to be so kind and add me to the list. Have booked a room at the hotel so only need food. Looking forward to my first RTE in southern Europe. My name is Dan Ageland. Thank you in advance.
Bitte streiche mich von der Liste leider ist es mir aus gesundheitlichen Gründen bis auf weiteres nicht möglich längere Rides durchzuführen
Lost my job with 24h notice and this added to my sons struggle to level his disease means my riding season pretty much is down the drain this year. Forced to back out from this one as well.