2023 Glacial Lakes MC Grand Tour


Well-Known Member
The 2023 Glacial Lake MC Grand Tour has just been announced, and it will run from 1-January to 30-September, with the theme being " large murals ". By definition, a mural is a painting on a wall (graffiti is excluded), and "large" is defined as being at least twice the size of a Gold-Wing motorcycle.

Although the Glacial Lakes MC is based in the USA, this rally can be done anywhere in the world. Here in Oz, you could combine this GT with the IBA-A Silo Art Trail certificate ride.

(edit 26Oct22) The Grand Tour Rules have just been published on the GLMC website, with Registrations in Ride Master opening on 1-Nov.
There website is located at http://glmc.org/grand_tour.php

I'm not "Big Kev", but I am excited.

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I have just updated my original post as the Grand Tour Rules have just been published, and registrations will open in Ride Master on 1-Nov.

This is fun event that can be easily done here in Oz, and if you start Googling, you will find a surprising number of "bonuses" all over the place.
It blows my un-artistic mind how someone can paint a scene from half a metre that looks exactly right from the road. I know some use projectors and chalk outlines, but it's still astonishingly clever.
La Nina has been kind to the artist, and a lot of progress has been made. Current thinking is that the 2 silos will be completed in 2~3 weeks.
I can't wait to "bag" this bonus for the GLMC Grand Tour.

(edit) 17Jan23
Here is photo of the completed silos, which were finished just prior to Christmas. A worthy addition to the Silo Art Trail.

The official opening, town street party and light-show is scheduled for the evening of 27-Jan.

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