24hr record broken


Premier Member
IBR Finisher
Yeah, the logistics involved.. and even on a closed course and with a support crew, at those speeds for that length of time.. impressive. Not comparable to what we do, but impressive.


Premier Member
Yeah, going round and round in circles solo is something I'd really struggle with. but hats off to him/the crew.
good overview here :


Well-Known Member
Interesting that it was conducted in Italy on a "British" bike, with "German" tyres......

How tedious would riding a nearly 13 km circle at 100mph+ for 24 hours....

An interesting record to which the rider is welcome.

I still have more respect for folk that ride 1000 miles in 24 hours on public roads, wherever they do it!

Edit: Just spotted the riders name, Cervantes.... wonder if he is related to the author of Don Quixote..........


Premier Member
IBA Member
Thanks for posting that up Ed.
Wow I'm exhausted just watching that. What an amazing man what a solid team. Stella.

I well remember the one about the guy with the Rocket3