6th Annual Kansas City BBQ Ride to Eat May 19th 2018


New Member
This is everyone's personal invitation to attend the 6th Annual Kansas City BBQ Ride To Eat on May 19th in the Kansas City MO area at Snead's BBQ in Belton MO. BBQ Buffet will be at 11:30 sharp and motorcycle tire kicking will commence at 9:30 AM. There are 2 more things going on also.
On Friday night May 18th anyone already in town is welcome to meet in the downstairs bar in RC's in Martin City area of Kansas City MO at 8 PM. We will figure out how many we have and eat together. RC's is best known for their Fried Chicken and Chicken Fried Steak, but have many other choices on the menu.
Also we will be a Bonus in the Big Money Rally thanks to Reno John and their International Board of Directors. Details of this will come out later.
If you are planning on coming let me know, as we need a head count for Saturday. Best way is email to [email protected]. Phone is 816-516-8166.
Everyone is welcome!
All the info here:

Bob Rippy
IBA #451