E2E Gold


IBA Member
Would anyone happen to have or know where I could find a GPX for the E2E Gold route please?
There is no set route, but there are set start and finish points... and specific instructions regarding those.


Since the retiral of the original E2EGold and indeed before, it has been up to the rider to plan and execute an appropriate route that will cover at least the 1,250 miles required to achieve the requirements.

It certainly won't be as simple as it used to be when we went up from LE to Bristol, along the M4 around the M25 anti clockwise and up the road to JOG....
The need to cover the 1,250 miles with a reasonable buffer of say 50 miles to allow for odometer errors or mapping faux pas, is essential to ensure you do the minimum, as is the need to document the ride with clear photo's of the receipt and your ODO/trip meter.
It is also important to ensure you get receipts to document "corners" where you make a turn on the route.

If you go from LE to say, Haverfordwest, then a receipt and picture from there, then one when you run across to the point where you turn north, perhaps Godstone and one at the north end of the Dartford tunnel....
Of course the run up to JOG is no longer quite so straightforward as there needs to be a certain amount of zigging and zagging to fit the required miles into the ride!

If on doubt, plan a ride in whatever mapping app you use and if possible to save it as a gpx file and send it to the verifier for hom to check it on his mapping application. He can then advise you if it is sufficiently long to qualify!

linky: https://forum.ironbutt.org/index.php?threads/important-evidencing-your-ride.6553/


Many Thanks Firstpeke,
Early stages yet, but had been wondering how previous attempts had managed to fit the 1260 in. I had thought if this was an LE then M3 then north round M25 and up but looks like this wouldn’t provide the required mileage. I’ll give it some greater thought, thanks again much appreciated.