Premier Member
This is an excellent post from the old forum regarding electronic submissions of ride applications.
Thank you Karl Pirchmoser:
Hi guys
I have been communicating with Howard Entman and one of the greatest challenges he has with certification is that many ride submissions are not complete and often do not us the generic application form listed below:
Often receipts are not included, no evidence of PayPal payment and this starts a chain of emails that is both labour and time intensive creating a follow on effect slowing the certification process down for everyone and increases the chance of errors.
Howard said, 'If the generic form (link above) is completed fully, errors are virtually nil'.
The ride documents should be 'strung' together as a single email attachment in a logical order.
I find converting files to a 'pdf' as a single file simplifies the submission process for me.
I have attached a previous submission that may assist those new to the electronic submission process (I also complete the online submission form via the link listed above). Please note that this is what I use and it appears to work efficiently.
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Thank you Karl Pirchmoser:
Hi guys
I have been communicating with Howard Entman and one of the greatest challenges he has with certification is that many ride submissions are not complete and often do not us the generic application form listed below:
Often receipts are not included, no evidence of PayPal payment and this starts a chain of emails that is both labour and time intensive creating a follow on effect slowing the certification process down for everyone and increases the chance of errors.
Howard said, 'If the generic form (link above) is completed fully, errors are virtually nil'.
The ride documents should be 'strung' together as a single email attachment in a logical order.
I find converting files to a 'pdf' as a single file simplifies the submission process for me.
I have attached a previous submission that may assist those new to the electronic submission process (I also complete the online submission form via the link listed above). Please note that this is what I use and it appears to work efficiently.
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