Biggles taking his photo as I arrived and KiwiMartin pulling in as I repacked. Biggles tried to talk me into doing the Armidale bonus before heading north, arguing that it was only 80kms, that the Tweed Heads area bonii were only 270 kms and we had time to do both.
I was sure we didn’t have the time so I bade Biggles farewell and headed into what I thought was a fairly major road. Yeah, not so much…. I did follow a 4wd travelling at recommended speeds through the corners for the first set of twisties, but soon realised I could do better with my new Erica’s and that the road was going to take longer than I thought.
As I pushed on I came across a bushfire down in a valley. Ignoring the damage and threat to life for a moment, it was really quite the sight as fire was from ground level to tree top and across a wide front.
Next excitement was the St Helena Tunnel on the highway. It was very “Turrell Esque” , what with the darkness, the effect of the Erica’s on my eyes and the tunnel all to myself. (As a side note there’s a Turrell installation at the NGA in Canberra that is well worth the look at dawn or dusk).
In my head I had to be in Currumbin Waters at 11pm AEST (NSW time). Since the run to Grafton had taken longer than expected (and I’d detoured through Ballina in search of fuel) I thought I was cutting it close as I pulled in to find no WBC ATM, and a question to someone at the CBA ATM told me more ATM’s were around the corner. Seeing the NAB ATM I grabbed it and it was only then realised
I was 33 mins before the cutoff , and not 3 mins like I thought. A quick photo to prove the WBC ATM was inside the shopping centre and not outside and off to the 2nd companion bonus.
Quite happy with myself at this point =;^)) I couldn’t find the Southbound freeway entrance. Seeing a local I asked her how to get there (breaking my number one rule – locals never know where anything is!), she was quite helpful and before I knew it I was southbound.
Into Tweed Heads South I was relying on my spidey senses to find the NAB ATM. I saw Biggles parked at the Shell servo but went onwards before realising I’d gone too far. Google maps got me to the Tweeds Head South Public school where Biggles informed me of the Coles ATM (previously NAB) at the Shell down the street.
ATM receipt and refuelling complete (since I was there) I also swapped a $50 note for change for a teenager before asking the attendant where I might be able to find accommodation. Kingscliff and Pottsville were their ideas and so off I went. All the motels in Ballina had had No Vacancy signs out so I thought that I’d better grab what I could. The motels in Tweed Heads were full, the pub in Kingscliff (while rocking at 1am) couldn’t offer any useful ideas so a run down the Tweed heads coastal road was in order.
I did briefly consider sleeping on the beach along here, it was a 20 deg night and what a story I thought. Trouble was I wasn’t desperate enough for sleep at this stage and was quietly confident of snagging a motel room somewhere. After ending up in a residential area in Pottsville I got the shits and got back on the highway. Stopping at the “Sleepy Hollow” rest area,153.5206694,15.25z
I felt that I could do better. Replan time. Since I’d picked up Dorrigo heading north I needed to rejig my southbound plan. Bonuses at Lismore and Armidale led me to the decision to head that way, figuring these towns were off the (main) highway and a better chance.
Of the 5 motels in Lismore 4 had the NO Vacancy Sign out and the 5th had no night bell, no phone number, and no one poke their head out as I did a lap of the place. (In hindsight this was sleep opportunity passed up). Decision made to head on, I’m a natural night owl and wasn’t tired. A couple of local girls directed me to the Uni (also a sleep opportunity but I figured they’d have security and I’d get rousted) and onto Casino.
On the way out of Lismore I spotted another motel, again no night bell and as I pulled back onto the highway I made way for a car coming past and therefore had a Police escort to Casino. It was a Police car and I had no reason to be overtaking them @ 3.20 in the morning….
Into Casino and I had 15 mins to either find a proper bed or somewhere else to nap. Same deal, NO Vacancy signs or no night bell and so the Maccas carpark it was.
I was a bit wired up, but also cognisant that if I were to have some proper rest it needed to be soon. Daylight would see people, and there was an abundance of birds in the area. On that note I walked down the street to 200+ birds sleeping? on the electricity wires. This was a phot I thought our rallymasters would enjoy. I didn’t send them this (which is the actual photo I took!)
But, it gets better. Not 45 seconds after taking the photo, crossing the street, and starting the walk back to the bike I managed to startle said 200+ birds into flight, and as it turns out, into shitting on everything below. It was only deft movement and shop awnings that saved me from having a souvenir from that one.
After 1.5 hrs sleep I arose to some joyful sole who, by way of opening the conversation, said “We lost 2 of you fella’s last week”. He went on to mention “b doubles” and “Pacific Hwy” but he’d lost from the get go. Other conversations followed (I had to find out what sort of tree I’d camped under (a Mango) to close out a conversation with LTP and Milady), the other memorable one being with some fella who “was going to be having breakfast with the local head of the Hwy Patrol who’d mentioned to him just yesterday that NSW’s finest were blanketing the region”. This lost its impact when I spotted him inside Macca’s with two blokes, neither under the age of 75…….
Here’s where it got “interesting”. Basecamp had it at 600 odd kms and 6.5 hrs to the barn. John “Enterprise” Inkson’s ears would have been burning as I cursed his “tip” to customise the travel times for different types of roads the day before. All well meaning, but I knew that, with adding in fuel stops, the occasional bonus photo etc I would be struggling to make the 2pm pre deduction curfew. NB. There was an easier way – drop out to Grafton and rejoin the Pacific, but that had very little appeal. I was probably most bummed about realising that “Thunderbolts Way” was out of reach and I’d have to do the Oxley. As my 13 year old daughter regularly reminds me “First world problems – am I right?”
I’d spent several hours on the way to Casino dicking around looking for proper accommodation that, in retrospect, would have better off either making tracks or having a nap. Call it schoolies/unfamiliarity with the area/not carrying even a sleeping mat on this trip but here I was.
I did the numbers, it was still worth seeing out the 4 hr rest bonus vs using the time to get back closer to 2pm. And I used the time wisely – breakfast/bio/teeth/deodorant/visor/maps/route firming up.
After being there 4 hrs you’d have thought I’d have noticed you couldn’t turn right from the main entrance…..
No sign of the winery somewhere between Glen Innes & Guyra? I didn’t have time to pull up Google maps, and by then I was probably behind my Police Candy car escort into Armidale.
UNINE bagged, off to Walcha. By 10.30 in the morning I’d realised that I’d be into penalty points. The only question was, how far? Into DNF territory? Fuel and evaporative aircon sorted in Walcha, I still had the thought “If I have a good run through the Oxley I’m a small chance to make it on time”.
So I was more than happy to see that a) there’s sections that are 100kph signposted, b) the actual twisties bit was shorter than I recall c) there was no real traffic and d) the smoke wasn’t too bad and that road wasn’t closed due to the bushfire BURNGING UP TO THE NOTHERN EDGE OF THE ROAD the night before!
Bummed at missing the Winery near Guyra, but cognisant of the fact I had no time at all for messing around I was only stopping at the Yarrowitch Skool if it was signposted. Past the church (which I didn’t know was the GPS co-ordinates) and out of the locality signs I then saw a “School” sign. I used 5 minutes braking, u-turning, locating and evidencing the school.
And then I spent the next 2 hours and 11 minutes wondering whether that was 5 minutes I’d live to regret (and that was before the twisties/fire/traffic etc etc!). I also couldn’t recall whether the Pacific Hwy from Port Macquarie to Taree was 80kph roadworks or 110 kph freeway…
By the time I hit Long Flat I was more than ready for an ale.
But, I didn’t have the time…
I was happy that moments after pulling onto the freeway it turned into a 110 kph zone. And it wasn’t till I had several minutes up my sleeve on a 80 vs 110 kph zone average that I felt I might actually make it back on time.
Off at the Cundleton/Nth Taree exit and, with a favourable run of lights and traffic, into the car park with a 2.57pm timestamp!!
Scoring seemed relatively simple, in that it was more about having evidence on the spot, rather than making sure evidence was somewhere people could find it on a usb/camera/sd card etc
net total was 29.000 (that was after my 5,600 point late deuction)
-I was glad that I’d hit the Cundleton bonus (HK02) on the way out of town 24 hrs ago rather than on the way back in (coz that wouldn’t have happened)
-Armidale to Grafton is a road that is fun, day or night, if you have the time….
-I would have been better off biting the bullet and IB Motel resting rather spending the time on a 24 hr rally trying to find a hotel. I’d been lulled into false security in recent rally’s by having the time/local knowledge to find a place in advance. On this one I thought I was in touristy enough areas/on a major highway to find a cheapo room when I needed it. This is a key difference between the States and Aus, and also something that is easier to deal with on longer rallies where I might spend every second night with a proper sleep. It didn’t affect me on the Sunday, but I was happy to have the motel pre booked that night!
-Never give up. At any point after 8am Sunday an extra 3-4 minutes spent lollygagging around would have cost me a finish. I was prepared for that, but at the same time part of what we do (and what Crappy so eloquently spoke of on Saturday) is just seeing if it can be done. I was genuinely surprised to see the ETA when I opened the computer on Sunday morning, but rather than take the soft option I went out hunting bonus points and trying to maximise the whole time/bonus point / road matrix.
-Proper Motorcycle GPS would have made life a lot simpler. Adding waypoints, being able to choose a route that was more “finicky” than a relatively out and back one, finding waypoints and not being beholden to a 6 yr old phone that loses power more quickly than it gets charge when on GPS (and which also struggle do charge when not on GPS) were all thigs that would have made things easier.
-The Tiger is the right bike for the mix of riding I do at the moment. The Erica’s make the world of difference. I need to give thought to the seat.