Tour of Australian Capitals with a Twist

Scott Parish

Premier Member
Motivated by our Long Distance Rider enthusiast from down under who have themed rides with US states. I started thinking we should have a US based ride paying homage to Australia; so I did a little research of US city names and came up with the following route. If you close one eye, tilt your head and squint; it sort of resembles the shape of Australia I think using my starting point (home). If the IBA would be interested in sanctioning this as a themed ride; the starting point would be the first city where you pull a receipt and take a picture of a sign with the city name. Looking forward to thoughts, feedback and suggestions. There are more cities available; this was just what I put together for a future ride.



Scott Parish

Premier Member
I'm a little worried whether I will find signage for Perth and Sydney. Yesterday when I was creating the map - Google displayed one photo for Sydney which appeared to be an abandoned shack (now gone); and Perth appears to be an empty field. The 2010 census showed Perth had a population of 9 (a real outback town). I might need to find alternatives.