White privilege


The Joker
IBA Member
My white ancestors spent 20,000 years surviving ice ages. 2,000 years suffering under tyrant kings.
200 years toiling down coal mines, working in factories and being slaughtered on the battlefield.
All to earn White Privilege for me.

How dare anyone try to make me ashamed of the price my ancestors were willing to pay for my White Privilege.

Privilege is earned.
Go and earn it if you don't have it.
Or go and be ashamed of your ancestors for not making all the sacrifices needed to achieve privilege for you.

Shawn K

Professional Cat Confuser
Premier Member
That's going to rattle a few cages ;)
Not here. I love British stoicism and frankness.

Personally, I'm tired of all this "White privilege" crap. I'm the child of divorced parents. I've been properly, homeless shelter, soup kitchen homeless. My father was murdered when I was young. I grew up on the "wrong side of the tracks". I had to drop out of college because we didn't have the money for me to finish. I've lived in a crappy RV behind an auto shop in the dead of winter because I couldn't afford anything else. I made a lot of bad decisions in my youth, and I paid heavy costs for those choices. I still pay the price today for some of those choices.

Mercifully, my mother remarried a man who became the best dad I could ask for. We slowly built a good life for ourselves. I married a good woman, and we've raised two sons that we're proud of. I've spent the last 25 years in a career that has given us a life far better than my wife and I had in our childhoods.

The reason I have the life I have now is because when I get knocked down, I get back up every. single. time. I don't blame other people if I don't get the results I want. I don't hide behind excuses for not achieving what I want; if I want it badly enough, I work harder until I achieve it. I sacrifice short-term pleasures for long-term goals.

Everything I have in this world is mine because I worked my a** off to achieve it. All this "white privilege" nonsense is nothing but the whinging of losers who've achieved nothing in life and who can't bear the thought that it's no one's fault but theirs.

Capt Sisko

Well-Known Member
I don't see anything wrong being proud of your history & heritage, unfortunately we are being brow beaten by a small minority of loud mouthed lefties/wokes/apologists/chip on their shoulder/want reparations/jump on the bandwagon (delete as appropriate) types into believing that we as citizens of the 21st century have to feel guilty about what our ancestors did. Britain, as with many other countries has both contributed a lot, but also taken a lot. All have done good stuff, all have done bad stuff. Show me an old country that hasn't got a skeleton or ten in their cupboards.

The point is not to wallow in misery or feel guilty about the bad stuff our collective ancestors did. They were different times, different values, different cultures and you can't change it. What you can do is learn from it and not repeat the sames mistakes again.
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The Colonel

Active Member
I don't see anything wrong being proud of your history & heritage, unfortunately we are being brow beaten by a small minority of loud mouthed lefties/wokes/apologists/chip on their shoulder/want reparations/jump on the bandwagon (delete as appropriate) types into believing that we as citizens of the 21st century have to feel guilty about what our ancestors did. Britain, as with many other countries has both contributed a lot, but also taken a lot. All have done good stuff, all have done bad stuff. Show me an old country that hasn't got a skeleton or ten in their cupboards.

The point is not to wallow in misery or feel guilty about the bad stuff our collective ancestors did. They were different times, different values, different cultures and you can't change it. What you can do is learn from it and not repeat the sames mistakes again.