Need Your Forum Status Changed?


Marcus Reynolds Aurora, MO.
Premier Member
IBR Finisher
If you are a Premier member or need your Forum status changed in some other manner (e.g., IBR Finisher), just let me know by posting here and indicate in what way you need it changed.

Good evening Ira,
I would like my status changed to IBR Finisher.
Thank you, and have a great labor day weekend.
Marcus Reynolds
IBA #632


Premier Member
If you are a Premier member or need your Forum status changed in some other manner (e.g., IBR Finisher), just let me know by posting here and indicate in what way you need it changed.

Please update to premier status. #66455
Thank you.


Premier Member
IBR Finisher
Hello Ira, I'm a little behind on emails. Lol. If you could change mine as well. Premier Member and IBR Finisher #607
Thanks so much for all you do!! Andrew