Hey @OX-34 - was it rated an 'insanity' ride or did you just happen to have it titled that way? (looking at your certificate...)
I’ve never seen that ride before, thanks!Hey all - Is there a reason why the Top Ten Towns Tour isn't listed on the Australian Specific Rides page? Am I missing something?
Hey @OX-34 - was it rated an 'insanity' ride or did you just happen to have it titled that way? (looking at your certificate...)
On my ride stats?
BB2500K standard there are heaps.
BB2500K GOLD/BB1500M Gold, I have a few. Tenere, maybe 5 on FJRs, Blackbird, Ninja 300, TMax scooter.....
BB2500K Silver? I think only one my Valkyrie the first time I owned it.
Can't see why not as it would be valid if you were doing a 100CCCI have a question about the CC rides.
In particular the Northern CC which in the rules states: from Broome to Bowen.
My question is .... can this be completed in reverse? Ie Bowen to Broome.
I've had a read of the rules and scanned the forum bit I have (legitimately) dyslexia so may have missed the important paragraph or sentence.
I have a question about the CC rides.
In particular the Northern CC which in the rules states: from Broome to Bowen.
My question is .... can this be completed in reverse? Ie Bowen to Broome.
I've had a read of the rules and scanned the forum bit I have (legitimately) dyslexia so may have missed the important paragraph or sentence.
Spanner, you can start from either end so Bowen to Broome would be fine.
That would be a real shame. However it wouldn’t stop the “States with a Twist” ride:
“You must as per normal IBA regulations, obtain proof that you have indeed visited Kentucky and Texas.”
“If you cannot get a receipt you must take a picture, including your motorcycle, to PROVE you were in the town. Remember it is YOUR responsibility to prove you did the ride. Spotwalla goes a long way towards this proof.”