Ride to Eat Nr 2 Center of France Bruere-Allichamps April 27, 2019

OK people I had to make 1 change and that is dinner.....We had some miscommunication( excuse for I fucked up)with Ibis they expected a group of 10-15(my initial mail to them and have another group same night....however the 2 groups now are too many for them to handle so I had to find an alternative....which ended succesfully after a couple of days of searching.......we will have dinner in Les Petits plats du Bourbon which is abt 1 km walk from the hotel in center of town.
menu on site as well....a tad more expensive then IBIS but at least part of the booze is included....Hope you're all OK with this and hope google translator does a better job in English than in Dutch!!Apologies for any inconvenience caused....shit happens sometimes!!
last copy of menu is not complete
Prix du menu adulte :
45.00 euros par personne
Apéritif : kir pétillant ; mini galette de pomme de terre, mini tartines rillettes de sardine​
2 bouteilles de vin pour 5 personnes, eaux minérales et café compris
Sound good. We take it... after translation I know now what I [can] get... ;)
Translate by scanning the pic .. French to German --> English... (Take care.... no garantie) ;)

Frischer Spinat mit Volée, Parmesansahne
Geräucherter Lachskuchen mit Charlotte-Kartoffeln, frischer grüner Bohnensalat mit Haselnuss

Fisch vom gebackenen Markt, Gurken-Tagliatelle mit Fischsauce, Kresse-Creme
Gebratenes Hühnerfleisch, Sellerie-Musselin und Saft mit Persi-Öl Cremesuppe mit dunkler Schokolade,

Tuile à la Orange
Shortbread mit Rhabarber, Frischkäseeis und Coulis der ersten Erdbeeren.


Fresh spinach with volée, parmesan cream
Smoked salmon cake with Charlotte potatoes, fresh green bean salad with hazelnuts

fish from the baked market, cucumber tagliatelle with fish sauce, cress cream
Fried chicken, celery muslin and juice with Persi oil cream soup with dark chocolate,

Tuile à la Orange
Shortbread with rhubarb, cream cheese ice cream and coulis of the first strawberries.
Sounds good Giel, no worries. It's more about the company then the food anyhow, and even then, it sounds very tasty, and it will be good to strech our legs a bit to get there. :D
Safe ride everyone and hope to see all there in good condition. I am leaving today and taking a bit of time to tour around a bit with some friends for Easter. (Flower-sniffing style)

Giel can you drop me from the meal please. I have a 03:00 start for my TL 1000 on the Sunday. Knowing the stamina of the diners and how long the festivities could last.....
Giel can you drop me from the meal please. I have a 03:00 start for my TL 1000 on the Sunday. Knowing the stamina of the diners and how long the festivities could last.....
Me too Giel, please... I'm joining Gordon on the TL1000 tribute ride early on Sunday morning.
I am planning on coming down to the meeting, but when i plot in the coordinates on Google maps it shows a sk unnamed road. It is about 84 km south of Bourges near the A71. Is that the place or is it not? Best regards Dan
But i found a spot with these coordinates 46.511821, 2.576503. The maps Route du Ctre de la France, 03190 Nassigny, France. Right or not?
Best regards Dan
But i found a spot with these coordinates 46.511821, 2.576503. The maps Route du Ctre de la France, 03190 Nassigny, France. Right or not?
Best regards Dan
road is correct and waypoints coordinates are correct it is just outside Nassigny......
But i found a spot with these coordinates 46.511821, 2.576503. The maps Route du Ctre de la France, 03190 Nassigny, France. Right or not?
Best regards Dan
that is to say my coordinates are correct.....that's another method you are using I think.....it is abt 80ish km south of Bourges....